Got a scratched Disk that won't play? Try GameCopyWorld!

Posted on 10:30 PM by \\Camwi_003.exe*64

Perfect example from a week or two ago from me,

Conner brought his computer over to my house to play some crysis and show off his video card, but his crysis disk was WAY scratched to hell.

I was getting patches for him as he was 3dmark-ing and once I got the latest one, I went over to game copy world, looked up crysis, and found one that would work (It was 32-bit though).

Sure enough, after replacing the crysis.exe it worked just fine

I HIGHLY recommend that you change the name of the original *.exe to something like "Crysis_OLD.exe" before you install the new one if it doesn't work for some reason.

Have fun (With out disks!)